DENVER—Today members of the Legislative Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Reform held their last meeting and announced their recommendations in an afternoon press conference.
The committee was charged with examining Colorado’s statutory and constitutional initiative process and recommending potential improvements.
Senate President Pro-Tem Abel Tapia (D-Pueblo) said, “This committee has been one of the most satisfying things I’ve been a part of this session. We took our charge very seriously, and I’m proud of the committee’s work in bringing these recommendations forward. I look forward to working with my colleagues as we move these proposals through the legislature and onto the ballot.”
Representative Andy Kerr (D-Lakewood) said “I look forward to hearing from the voters about creating a more thoughtful process for amending Colorado’s most sacred document."
The Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Reform began meeting in early February. The committee was chaired by Senate President Pro-Tem Abel Tapia (D-Pueblo), and included Senator Brandon Shaffer (D-Longmont), Senator Shawn Mitchell (R-Broomfield), Representative Andy Kerr (D-Lakewood), Representative Ellen Roberts (R-Durango) and Representative Al White (R-Hayden).
The Select Committee was advised by former U.S. Senator and CU President Hank Brown, former Senate President Stan Matsunaka, former Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson, former Senator Penfield Tate, Barbara Montgomery, Cathy Shull and Lorez Meinhold. The Select Committee also reviewed the recent constitutional study and 12 recommendations proposed by the University of Denver’s constitutional panel.