DENVER—Today Senator Bob Hagedorn (D-Aurora) announced the introduction of Centennial Care Choices, a landmark proposal that would lay the foundation for implementing the recommendations of the Governor’s Health Care Reform Commission.
The measure aims to decrease Colorado’s uninsured population by helping individuals and businesses obtain affordable health insurance through balanced public-private partnerships.
The proposal includes:
A request for health insurers to create a menu of “Value Benefit Plans” (VBPs) that would be evaluated and endorsed by the state and would be made available to all Coloradans.
Assistance to low income individuals and employees of businesses through a state subsidy of a portion of the VBP premium for those who do not qualify for government programs and cannot afford health insurance.
Assurance that this program builds upon the existing employer-based health insurance system, does not encourage businesses currently offering coverage to discontinue it, and promotes administrative efficiencies.
“Centennial Care Choices is about doing what we can right now,” said Hagedorn. “It presents innovative ideas, maintains the assurance model, and offers the health care choices people demand.”
Hagedorn's proposal is supported by Representative Anne McGihon (D-Denver), Senator Steve Johnson (R-Ft Collins), Representative Tom Massey (R-Poncha Springs) and Representative Ellen Roberts (R-Durango).