Senator Passes Four
Bills in One Afternoon
Bills in One Afternoon
DENVER—Today Senator Brandon Shaffer (D-Longmont) successfully pushed four pieces of legislation through two different Senate committees.
In a single afternoon, Shaffer faced the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee and the Health and Human Services Committee, where he won approval for four bills that address major issues for our military communities and for public health.
Tuition Assistance for Colorado National Guards—HB-1252 allows a member of the Colorado National Guard to receive tuition assistance when enrolled at a private institution of higher education in a certificate or degree program in homeland security.
Benefits for Military Spouses—HB-1180 extends unemployment insurance benefits to spouses of military personnel who are transferred as part of their military responsibilities.
Dental Assistance Programs for Seniors—HB-1116 requires the State Board of Health to set reimbursement levels for medical providers participating in the Dental Assistance Program.
Wastewater Exemption—HB-1073 allows the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board to exempt certain facilities from the requirement to operate under the supervision of a certified operator.
In addition to successfully passing four bills, Shaffer also chaired the Judiciary Committee.